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Our teamCriminal lawyers and paralegals

Have you been charged with a criminal offense in the greater Montreal area? Get to know the team of experienced lawyers specializing in criminal law at Riendeau Avocats. Our expertise allows us to accompany you throughout the legal process and to defend you before the courts of Quebec. Contact us now for more information on how our firm operates and the options available to you in criminal law.

Criminal and penal lawyers

Me Valerie Riendeau

Senior Criminal Lawyer
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Me Joanie Chainey

Criminal Lawyer
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Me Ana-Maria Mocanu

Senior Criminal Lawyer
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Me Cédric Materne

Criminal Lawyer
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Me Chanèle Lecompte

Criminal and Penal Lawyer
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Me Chloé Rainville

Criminal and Penal Lawyer
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Me Ariane Roberge

Criminal and Penal Lawyer
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Me Anthoni Daoust

Penal and Criminal Lawyer
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Louisa Heniche

Law Intern
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Pascal Guilbert

Law Intern
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Gabrielle Lauzon

Criminal and Penal Lawyer
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Me Emmy

Criminal Lawyer
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Me Audrey Van Strydonck

Criminal lawyer
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Management and administration staff

Valérie Paquette

Accounting Manager
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Carolia Ranivoharindrano

Accounting Manager
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Dany Tétreault

Legal Assistant
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Our team

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Portrait professionnel de Me Valérie Riendeau, Avocate criminaliste sénior, présidente et fondatrice du cabinet.

Me Valérie Riendeau

Avocate-criminaliste sénior, et présidente et fondatrice du cabinet

Diplômée de l’Université de Montréal, Me Valérie Riendeau entame sa pratique en fondant son propre cabinet. Expérimentée et professionnelle, elle est à la tête de Riendeau Avocats depuis maintenant 14 ans. Son équipe se démarque par un service à la clientèle incomparable et une approche personnalisée pour chaque client.  Fervente négociatrice et excellente plaideuse, Me Riendeau sait faire valoir les bons arguments afin de défendre les intérêts de ses clients et de leur obtenir les meilleurs résultats.

Portrait professionnel de Me Joanie Chainey, Avocate criminaliste et directrice du département criminel.

Me Joanie Chainey

Avocate-criminaliste et directrice du département criminel

Me Chainey a reçu une solide formation en droit de l’université d’Ottawa. Sa passion pour le droit criminel l’amena à se joindre au cabinet Riendeau Avocats, où elle exerce exclusivement le droit criminel. Plaideuse infatigable, cette jeune avocate n’est jamais à bout d’arguments. Débordante d’idées et d’énergie, elle est particulièrement créative, ce qui l’aide à trouver des défenses dans des dossiers qui semblent à prime abord indéfendable. Me Chainey est une avocate fonceuse, toujours prête à livrer bataille pour représenter au mieux les intérêts de ses clients.

Portrait professionnel de Me Ana-Maria Mocanu, Avocate criminaliste sénior et responsable du département anglophone.

Me Ana-Maria Mocanu

Avocate-criminaliste sénior et responsable du département anglophone

Me Ana-Maria Mocanu a obtenu un diplôme en psychologie avant d’obtenir son baccalauréat en droit à l’Université Sherbrooke. Elle entame sa carrière chez Riendeau Avocats et est un véritable atout depuis maintenant 6 ans puisqu’elle s’occupe notamment de la clientèle anglophone du cabinet. Elle porte une attention particulière à chacun de ses dossiers qui sont très diversifiés et elle défend les droits de ses clients avec ardeur.

Me Cédric Materne

Avocat-criminaliste et collaborateur du Groupe TVA

Me Cédric Materne est titulaire d’un baccalauréat en droit de l’UQAM et membre du Barreau depuis 2016. Véritable passionné du droit criminel et fier collaborateur du Groupe TVA, il inspire une confiance accrue et défend chaque cause en usant à la fois de sa détermination et de ses connaissances poussées en matière criminelle. Sa curiosité à l’égard des plus récents développements juridiques et sa façon créative de toujours repousser les limites du droit actuel lui prévalent une excellente réputation.

Portrait professionnel de Me Chanèle Lecompte, Avocate en droit criminel et pénal.

Me Chanèle Lecompte

Avocate en droit criminel et pénal

Avocate exerçant principalement le droit  criminel et pénal, Me Chanèle Lecompte est titulaire d’un baccalauréat en Droit de l’Université de Sherbrooke. Durant son parcours universitaire, elle a eu la chance de faire un stage auprès de la magistrature, ce qui lui a permis d’acquérir les nombreux atouts qu’elle met de l’avant lors de ses représentations devant les tribunaux. Passionnée par le droit criminel, Me Lecompte vous accompagnera et vous défendra lors des différentes étapes de votre dossier, et fera preuve d’écoute à votre égard.

Portrait professionnel de Me Chloé Rainville, Avocate en droit criminel et pénal.

Me Chloé Rainville

Avocate en droit criminel et pénal – Biographie personnelle à venir.

Chez Riendeau Avocats, nous nous comptons chanceux d’avoir au sein de notre équipe du personnel hautement qualifié et professionnel pour défendre avec rigueur et détermination les dossiers de nos clients. Nos avocats et avocates, nos techniciens et techniciennes juridiques ainsi que nos stagiaires et notre personnel de gestion et d’administration, travaillent de concert pour offrir une défense pleine et entière à chacun de nos clients, et ce, peu importe la nature de l’infraction.

Portrait professionnel de Me Ariane Roberge, Avocate en droit criminel et pénal.

Me Ariane Roberge

Avocate en droit criminel et pénal

Membre du Barreau, Me Ariane Roberge détient un baccalauréat en droit avec cheminement de 2e cycle en Common Law et droit transnational (Juris Doctor) de l’Université de Sherbrooke. Me Ariane Roberge est une avocate ayant une pratique concentrée en droit criminel et pénal. Bien qu’elle ait joint l’équipe de Riendeau Avocats en tant que stagiaire, elle a rapidement fait sa place en tant qu’avocate et gagné la confiance de ses clients. Sa bonne énergie toujours au rendez-vous, Me Roberge est connue au sein de notre cabinet comme une avocate dynamique qui s’investit à 100 % dans chacune de ses causes. 

Portrait professionnel de Me Anthoni Daoust, Avocat en droit pénal et criminel.

Me Anthoni Daoust

Penal and Criminal Lawyer

Maître Anthoni Daoust, holder of a bachelor’s degree in law from the University of Sherbrooke and member of the Bar since 2021, stands out for his incessant quest for knowledge. Indeed, he also obtained a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Quebec, a minor in criminology from the University of Montreal, as well as training in police technology from John Abbott College. This variety of academic training gives him a unique and informed perspective when reviewing his files.

Me Daoust is a lawyer specializing in criminal and penal law, demonstrating a deep commitment to the recognition and respect of individual rights. As a progressive lawyer, he actively engages in a practice aimed at making justice more accessible to all. Thanks to his exceptional analytical and negotiation skills, he manages to obtain optimal settlements in order to guarantee his clients a complete and effective defense.

Portrait professionnel de Louisa Heniche, Avocate en criminel.

Louisa Heniche

Avocate en criminel

Me Louisa Heniche détient deux baccalauréats de l’Université du Québec à Montréal. Passionnée par le droit, elle effectue d’abord un premier baccalauréat en relations internationales et droit international, avant de compléter ses études par un baccalauréat en droit. Son parcours est marqué par la défense des droits humains, alors qu’elle s’est longtemps impliquée à la clinique internationale de défense des droits humains de l’UQAM ainsi qu’au Projet innocence, qui vient en aide aux victimes d’erreurs judiciaires. Inscrite au tableau de l’ordre des avocats, Me Heniche travaille en tant qu’avocate criminaliste, en plus d’accompagner nos clients dans leurs demandes de pardon. Elle a toujours l’intérêt de ses clients à cœur et fait preuve de minutie et d’empathie.

Portrait professionnel de Pascal Gilbert, Avocat en droit pénal et criminel.

Pascal Gilbert

Avocat en droit pénal et criminel

Me Pascal Gilbert est passionné par le droit. Titulaire d’un baccalauréat en droit de l’Université de Montréal, en plus d’un baccalauréat en histoire, Me Gilbert s’est joint à l’équipe de Riendeau Avocats en tant qu’avocat criminaliste et pénal. À l’écoute des besoins de ses clients, il saura faire preuve de créativité afin d’explorer toutes les avenues possibles tout au long de votre processus judiciaire. Me Gilbert possède d’excellentes capacités de recherche et de rédaction et est un mordu d’apprentissage. Il souhaite faire avancer le droit et ce, dans la meilleure direction possible.

Portrait professionnel de Gabrielle Lauzon, Avocate en droit criminel et pénal.

Gabrielle Lauzon

Avocate en droit criminel et pénal

Bachelière en droit sous le régime COOP de l’Université de Sherbrooke, Me Gabrielle
Lauzon s’est jointe à l’équipe de Riendeau Avocats comme avocate criminaliste après y
avoir effectué son stage. Me Lauzon fait preuve d’une grande compassion envers chacun
de ses clients et reste toujours disponible pour aider son prochain. Poussée par sa soif de connaissance et son dynamisme, elle se dévoue énormément à chacune de ses causes.Pratiquant aussi en droit pénal, Me Lauzon fait partie de l’équipe de MTL Ticket et saura vous défendre avec vigueur pour tout constat d’infraction relié au Code de la sécurité

Portrait professionnel de Emmy, Avocate en criminel.

Me Emmy

Criminal Lawyer

Holder of a bachelor’s degree in law from the University of Montreal, Emmy finalized her professional career by completing the bar school in 2022. She then joined the Riendeau Avocats team. Throughout her studies, Emmy volunteered with companies that shared her values, such as the pro bono students of Canada. Listening to her clients and passionate, Emmy will be able to support you throughout your legal process.

Portrait professionnel de Audrey Van Strydonck, Stagiaire.

Me Audrey Van Strydonck

Avocate en droit criminel

Diplômée de l’Université de Sherbrooke avec un baccalauréat en droit, Me Van Strydonck a complété avec succès les examens de l’École du Barreau du Québec. C’est avec grand enthousiasme qu’elle a rejoint l’équipe de Riendeau Avocats en tant que stagiaire et y poursuit maintenant sa carrière à titre d’avocate.

Efficace, créative et dotée d’un grand esprit critique, Me Van Strydonck veille à ce que chacun de ses clients puisse bénéficier de la meilleure défense envisageable.Démontrant un intérêt particulier pour le domaine des crimes économiques, Me Van Strydonck travaille actuellement à mettre sur pied un nouveau département entièrement dédié à ce type d’infractions.

Néanmoins sa polyvalence et sa soif de connaissance lui permettent de vous assister avec brio et professionnalisme pour tout type de mandat en matière criminelle, ainsi que dans le cadre de vos demandes de pardon.

Logo blanc de Riendeau Avocats- Droit criminel

Valérie Paquette

Responsable de la comptabilité et technicienne comptable – Biographie personnelle à venir.

Œuvrant dans le domaine de la comptabilité depuis plus de 11 ans et autrefois occupant un poste en comptabilité, gestion et administration pour une entreprise possédant plus de 300 employés, Valérie Paquette travaille aujourd’hui au sein de notre cabinet à titre de technicienne comptable et responsable de la comptabilité. Ses nombreuses compétences dans le milieu permettent à notre équipe d’offrir un service à la clientèle hors pair.

Portrait professionnel de Carolia Ranivoharindrano, Responsable de la comptabilité.

Carolia Ranivoharindrano

Accounting Manager

After earning her bachelor’s degree in Political Science at Concordia University, Carolia decided to continue her studies in Paralegal Technology at CDI College. Passionate about criminal law, she decided to join the Riendeau Avocats team to complete her internship. She loves learning more about the field of criminal and penal law from lawyers. In addition, with her many years of experience in customer service, she knows how to help clients with professionalism and rigor, in order to give the best satisfaction to the firm’s clients.

Dany Tétreault

Legal Assistant

With four years of experience in the 911 service, Dany has gained solid expertise in managing emergency situations and developed quick decision-making skills. Although he initially pursued studies in the sciences, he discovered his true passion was law. Determined to follow his dreams, Dany furthered his studies in the legal field. His determination to make society a better place, along with his dedication to the public service sector, fueled him throughout his professional journey.

Dany plans to start his academic career in law soon, joining his fellow colleagues as a practicing lawyer. He has already proven his willingness to fully invest himself in his new career path, drawing on the valuable skills acquired through his past experiences.

Portrait professionnel de Me Valérie Riendeau, Avocate criminaliste sénior, présidente et fondatrice du cabinet.

Me Valérie Riendeau

Senior Criminal Lawyer, and President and Founder of the Firm

Graduate of the University of Montreal, Me Valérie Riendeau began her practice by founding her own law firm. Experienced and professional, she has been at the head of Riendeau Attorneys-at-law for 13 years now. Her team stands out with unparalleled customer service and a personalized approach for each client. Fervent negotiator and excellent litigator, Me Riendeau knows how to make the right arguments in order to defend the interests of her clients and to obtain the best results.

Portrait professionnel de Me Joanie Chainey, Avocate criminaliste et directrice du département criminel.

Me Joanie Chainey

Criminal lawyer and Director of the Criminal Department

Me Chainey received a solid education in law from the University of Ottawa. Her passion for criminal law led her to join Riendeau Avocats, where she exclusively practices criminal law. A tireless litigator, this young lawyer is never at the end of her arguments. Brimming with ideas and energy, she is particularly creative, which helps her find defenses in cases that at first seem indefensible. Me Chainey is a go-getter lawyer, always ready to fight to best represent the interests of her clients.

Portrait professionnel de Me Ana-Maria Mocanu, Avocate criminaliste sénior et responsable du département anglophone.

Me Ana-Maria Mocanu

Senior Criminal Lawyer and Head of the English Department

Me Ana-Maria Mocanu obtained a degree in psychology before obtaining her law degree at Sherbrooke University. She began her career at Riendeau Avocats and has been a real asset for the past 6 years since she deals in particular with the firm’s English-speaking clientele. She pays particular attention to each of her files, which are very diverse, and she defends the rights of her clients with ardor.

Portrait professionnel de Me Cédric Materne, Avocat criminaliste et collaborateur du Groupe TVA.

Me Cédric Materne

Criminal lawyer and TVA Group employee

Me Cédric Materne holds a bachelor’s degree in law from UQAM and has been a member of the Bar since 2016. A true passion for criminal law and a proud collaborator of Groupe TVA, he inspires increased confidence and defends each cause by using both his determination and his extensive knowledge of criminal matters. His curiosity about the most recent legal developments and his creative way of always pushing the limits of current law have earned him an excellent reputation.

Portrait professionnel de Me Chanèle Lecompte, Avocate en droit criminel et pénal.

Me Chanèle Lecompte

Criminal and Penal Lawyer 

A lawyer practicing mainly criminal and penal law, Me Chanèle Lecompte holds a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Sherbrooke. During her university career, she had the chance to do an internship with the judiciary, which allowed her to acquire the many assets that she puts forward during her representations before the courts. Passionate about criminal law, Me Lecompte will accompany you and defend you during the different stages of your file, and will listen to you.

Portrait professionnel de Me Chloé Rainville, Avocate en droit criminel et pénal.

Me Chloé Rainville

Criminal and Penal Lawyer – Personal Biography Soon. 

At Riendeau Avocats, we consider ourselves lucky to have highly qualified and professional staff within our team to defend our clients’ cases with rigor and determination. Our lawyers, our paralegals, as well as our trainees and our management and administrative staff, work together to offer a full and complete defense to each of our clients, regardless of the nature of the offense.

Portrait professionnel de Me Ariane Roberge, Avocate en droit criminel et pénal.

Me Ariane Roberge

Criminal and Penal Lawyer

Member of the Bar, Me Ariane Roberge holds a Bachelor of Laws with graduate studies in Common Law and Transnational Law (Juris Doctor) from the University of Sherbrooke. Me Ariane Roberge is a lawyer with a practice focused on criminal and penal law. Although she joined the Riendeau Avocats team as an intern, she quickly made her mark as a lawyer and gained the trust of her clients. Her good energy is always present, Me Roberge is known within our firm as a dynamic lawyer who is 100% committed to each of her causes.

Portrait professionnel de Louisa Heniche, Avocate en criminel.

Louisa Heniche

Criminal lawyer

Me Louisa Heniche holds two bachelor’s degrees from the University of Quebec in Montreal. Passionate about law, she first completed a first bachelor’s degree in international relations and international law, before completing her studies with a bachelor’s degree in law. Her career has been marked by the defense of human rights, as she has long been involved in the international clinic for the defense of human rights at UQAM as well as in the Innocence Project, which helps victims of miscarriages of justice. . Registered on the roll of the bar association, Me Heniche works as a criminal lawyer, in addition to supporting our clients in their requests for forgiveness. She always has the interests of her clients at heart and demonstrates thoroughness and empathy.

Portrait professionnel de Pascal Gilbert, Avocat en droit pénal et criminel.

Pascal Guilbert

Penal and Criminal Lawyer

Me Pascal Gilbert is passionate about law. Holder of a bachelor’s degree in law from the University of Montreal, in addition to a bachelor’s degree in history, Me Gilbert joined the Riendeau Avocats team as a criminal and penal lawyer. Listening to the needs of his clients, he will be able to be creative in order to explore all possible avenues throughout your legal process. Mr. Gilbert has excellent research and writing skills and is a keen learner. He wants to advance the law in the best possible direction.

Portrait professionnel de Gabrielle Lauzon, Avocate en droit criminel et pénal.

Gabrielle Lauzon

Criminal and Penal Lawyer

Bachelor of Laws under the COOP regime of the University of Sherbrooke, Me Gabrielle Lauzon joined the Riendeau Avocats team as a criminal lawyer after completed his internship. Me Lauzon shows great compassion towards everyone of its customers and always remains available to help others. Driven by her thirst for knowledge and her dynamism, she devotes herself enormously to each of her causes. Also practicing in criminal law, Me Lauzon is part of the MTL Ticket team and will be able to defend you vigorously for any statement of offense related to the Safety Code road.

Headshot of Audrey Van Strydonck, Intern.

Audrey Van Strydonck

Criminal lawyer

A graduate of the University of Sherbrooke with a Bachelor of Law, Me Van Strydonck successfully completed her bar exams at l’École du Barreau du Québec. She joined the Riendeau Avocats team as an intern with great enthusiasm and has now earned the title of a practicing lawyer within our legal firm.

Efficient, creative, and possessing a keen critical mind, Me Van Strydonck strives to ensure that each of her clients receives the best possible defence. Demonstrating a particular interest in the field of economic crimes, Me Van Strydonck is currently working to establish a new department exclusively dedicated to this type of offence within our law office.

Nevertheless, her versatility and thirst for knowledge, empower her to provide excellent and professional assistance in handling various criminal violations and pardon requests.

Logo blanc de Riendeau Avocats- Droit criminel

Valérie Paquette

Accounting Manager and Accounting Technician – Personal Biography Soon. 

At Riendeau Avocats, we are proud to have highly qualified and professional personnel on our team who defend our clients’ cases with thoroughness and determination. Our lawyers, paralegals, students-at-law, and management and administrative staff work together to provide a full answer and defence to each of our clients, regardless of the nature of the offence.

Portrait professionnel de Alexandre Giroux, Avocat en criminel.

Alexandre Giroux en

Criminal lawyer

Me Alexandre Giroux (c.j.c. British Columbia) completed the integrated bachelor’s degree in International Studies and Modern Languages ​​from Laval University before obtaining his double degree in civil law and common law from McGill University.

During his studies at McGill University, he was involved with Legal Aid of Montreal, Innocence McGill and Criminal Law McGill. He is also a course assistant for Criminal Justice, the course introducing first-year students to criminal law. Finally, he is an intern with the Honorable Robert Hamel, judge at the Court of Quebec, Youth Division.

Me Giroux began his career in Vancouver, where he practiced in two highly renowned criminal defense firms. He then relocated to Montreal and joined Riendeau Avocats, where he practiced mainly in criminal law. Me Giroux firmly believes in the presumption of innocence and in the right of all accused to benefit from the best possible defence. He can assist you in French, English, Spanish and Portuguese.

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Logo blanc de Riendeau Avocats- Droit criminel

Coralie Leblanc

Paralegal Student – Personal Biography Soon. 

At Riendeau Avocats, we are proud to have highly qualified and professional personnel on our team who defend our clients’ cases with thoroughness and determination. Our lawyers, paralegals, students-at-law, and management and administrative staff work together to provide a full answer and defence to each of our clients, regardless of the nature of the offence.

Logo blanc de Riendeau Avocats- Droit criminel

Danyka Beauchamp

Paralegal – Personal Biography Soon. 

At Riendeau Avocats, we are proud to have highly qualified and professional personnel on our team who defend our clients’ cases with thoroughness and determination. Our lawyers, paralegals, students-at-law, and management and administrative staff work together to provide a full answer and defence to each of our clients, regardless of the nature of the offence.

Katherine Hurtubise

Administrative assistant – Personal Biography Soon. 

At Riendeau Avocats, we are proud to have highly qualified and professional personnel on our team who defend our clients’ cases with thoroughness and determination. Our lawyers, paralegals, students-at-law, and management and administrative staff work together to provide a full answer and defence to each of our clients, regardless of the nature of the offence.

François Gamache, directeur des ressources humaines Riendeau Avocats

François Gamache

Human Resources Director 

For more than 15 years, François Gamache has been working within our firm as the human resources director who has been successfully balancing team management and operations coordination. Versatile and mindful, he ensures that each employee is happy and fulfilled, which is what makes François a major asset at Riendeau Avocats. He is also in charge of hiring and integrating new employees.

Catherine Bernard, avocate criminaliste de chez Riendeau Avocats

Me Catherine Bernard

Criminal Lawyer – Personal Biography Soon. 

At Riendeau Avocats, we are proud to have highly qualified and professional personnel on our team who defend our clients’ cases with thoroughness and determination. Our lawyers, paralegals, students-at-law, and management and administrative staff work together to provide a full answer and defence to each of our clients, regardless of the nature of the offence.

Alexandra Bérubé, avocate chez Riendeau Avocats Montréal

Me Alexandra Bérubé

Criminal Lawyer – Personal Biography Soon. 

After obtaining a bachelor’s degree in law at the University of Montreal, Me Alexandra Bérubé then perfected her training by completing a master’s degree in criminal law at the University of Sherbrooke. Having already practiced in civil law before devoting herself to criminal law, she shows great versatility and knows how to juggle the different spheres of law in order to fully understand all the issues that may arise in the cases entrusted to her. Honest, rigorous and passionate, Me Bérubé is a lawyer of conviction who firmly believes in rehabilitation and in the right to a full and complete defense.

Headshot of Annie Lahaise, Senior Criminal Lawyer and Head of the Senior Department.

Me Annie Lahaise

Senior Criminal Lawyer and Head of the Senior Department – Personnal Biography Soon. 

Member of the Bar since 2003, Me Annie Lahaise has worked in the criminal world for more than 19 years. Today, she is not only a criminal lawyer at Riendeau Avocats, but also responsible for the senior department and lecturer at the Cégep régional de Lanaudière.

Portrait professionnel de Me Jessica Chebab, Avocate criminaliste et directrice du département des demandes de pardon.

Me Jessica Chebab

Criminal lawyer and Director of the Pardon Application Department

Holder of a major in criminology from the University of Montreal and a bachelor’s degree in law from the University of Sherbrooke, Me Jessica Chehab invests herself with heart in all her files and ensures that her clients are heard and represented. with sympathy. A fervent negotiator, she puts forward the right arguments to defend the interests of her clients so that they benefit from a full and complete defense.

Anne-Geneviève Robert, avocate chez Riendeau Avocats Montréal

Me Anne-Geneviève Robert

Criminal lawyer and Director of the Penal Department

Me Robert is a criminal lawyer with a Bachelor of Law degree from UdM. Committed to defending her cases, she always works in the best interest of her clients by using her in-depth knowledge in the field and proactive approach before the court. Her leadership skills have led her to take on the role of Director of the Criminal Law Department, which she founded upon joining the team. Socially involved, she is a member of the board of directors of the Fondation NeuroTrauma Marie-Robert and is involved in many committees of the AADM and the JBM

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